WHAT THE New Year...

“TO ALL MY DEAR ONES; who made 2009 a fabulous year… Hoping 2010 will be even better"... Read one...

“Wishing you and your family a very happy and prosperous New year. Best Wishes for a prosperous Year 2010”
Read the other...

Even better(Should I rather say worse)... One official mail from Office
Can’t be spelt without
We had a challenging year 2009!
Thank you for your whole hearted support
Hope to have great year 2010!
Wishing You and Your Family Bright and Prosperous New Year 2010!!!”

“May the day break on Friday, be the beginning of 12 great months, the best year of your life so far!!!
Each moment in a day has its own value.
Morning brings HOPE,
Afternoon brings FAITH,
Evening brings LOVE,
Night brings REST,
Hope you will have all of them everyday.

and lot other e-cards and the chat wishes...

As I sat and read the new year wishes sitting in the same old seat... with the same old job... with the same old leftover issues to look at... with the same WHATEVER you can think of...

I'd better be realistic... "Wish you all just another asusual year"...

:) :) :)


Shakthi Varman said...

enna panradhu thalaiva... with each passing year receding of line on the head and increasing of line on the waist is the only change..
Neways - Happy New Year ! :-P